We are thrilled to bring you an all-new igel-ready channel on IGEL Community.
IGEL Ready is the fastest-growing ecosystem of cutting-edge technologies trusted with IGEL OS. Our mission at IGEL Ready is to develop an engaging network of technology partners and create better product synergies for our customers.
The IGEL Ready channel is our way of sharing the latest and greatest on this flagship technology partner program within IGEL. As the program is growing rapidly with new companies joining the IGEL Ready bandwagon on a daily or weekly basis, you will be the first to hear about it on the IGEL Ready channel. You will also discover a vast portfolio of 100+ IHV and ISV partners such as LG, Lenovo, Dynabook, NComputing, eG Innovations, Liquidware Labs, Lakeside Software, Control Up, and many more. These proven partner technologies are integrated with IGEL OS to address almost any use case you may come across.
Are you looking to connect with these partner companies? Chances are they have their channel up on IGEL Community, or will soon. If not, we can facilitate the right connections for you.
Do you rely on key technologies that are not yet IGEL Ready? Ask an IGEL Ready expert on the channel, and we’ll work with you to make it happen.
If you’re looking for exclusive info on all things IGEL Ready, this channel will be your go-to place. Visit the #igel-ready channel today! Not an IGEL Community member? Join Today!