Written by Milan Potrok , IGEL COMMUNITY INSIDER
I didn't find too much detail for using UMS environment variables. Specifically using Environment Variables: Additional (aka Dynamic Variables) and how they land on the endpoint OS.
I had some frustrating moments while attempting to use these, sometimes with strange results. I put together my testing in this screenshot, partially as a reminder to myself, but more so to help others that might be looking to use these. From my observations there are a few pitfalls (test in 11.08.236):
Avoid wrapping entire value in double-quotes - the "variable export process" considers this invalid
Avoid unbalanced double-quotes / double-quotes at the beginning of the value. After more consideration, it’s probably does not care about quote balancing, but rather that the value was wrapped in double-quotes (see 1.)
If you need to have a double-quote at the beginning of your value, wrap the entire value in single-quotes
If the value is wrapped in single-quotes, they will be stripped off once they make it to the OS.
Check syslog for "set-custom-environment" if you don't see the variables as you'd planned.
Use printenv to confirm the variable made it to the OS!
Read more here: https://igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C9XFWLXA8/p1674856827580399