In our IGEL Community we had the request to seting up a scrolling command for Firefox on IGEL OS. The challenge was to have a website that cannot fit the screen, no matter what type of resolution or DPI scaling was configured. So the request was a command to set the horizontal scroll to always go to the right, and then scroll up and down.
Here is a example "Firefox Scroller Custom-Application", that:
Is set to start on auto-launch on boot, (also called by CTRL-ALT-SHIFT Q)
Launches firefox and opens ACME.COM in a 500x500 window (to demo scrolling)
Scrolls around the window a bunch of times
currently defined 9 difference sequences or cases, but customize to your own liking
some example sequences shown
Step 1 reloads the webpage and starts all over again
RUNS FOREVER....or until the browser tab with that name is closed
For your own testing change:
Set s="Your Webpage Title";
Set DEBUG=false; when you don't want to flood the syslog with messages
Change sleep 2; with your own interval
# With comments
DEBUG=true; # syslog will show lots of debug logs with this true
s="ACME"; # set website title for partial xdotool match later
if [ .${DEBUG}. = .true. ]; then set -x; fi; # more verbose logging
logger -it "custom-firefox-scroller-ca" "start firefox with url";
# launch firefox with url as background process
( firefox --width 500 --height 500 http://acme.com )&
sleep 6; # wait for firefox launch
i=0; # counter for logic conditions
# loop until firefox closed
while true; do
sleep 2;
if ! xdotool search --classname firefox search --name $s windowfocus > /dev/null; then
logger -it "custom-firefox-scroller-ca" "firefox with website title [$s] not found, exiting custom app";
exit 0; # exit if firefox not running
# define number of possible step values (10), using modulus operator, and assign current step to variable j
if [ .${DEBUG}. = .true. ]; then echo "custom-firefox-scroller-ca: i=$i j=$j"; fi;
case $j in
xdotool search --name $s key F5;
sleep 2;
xdotool search --name $s key Home Right Right Right Right Right Right;;
xdotool search --name $s key Down Down;;
xdotool search --name $s key Up Up;;
xdotool search --name $s key Home;;
xdotool search --name $s key End;;
And now make it a single line of “commands” that is used in the definition of a custom-application. This will run in user context (don't exceed 4000 characters):
remove all the comments
make sure each command list ends with command list terminator (ie. semicolon;)
combine into one long messy line
Note that this executes in “/bin/sh”, or dash shell, by default
Don’t put semicolon after the background (&) operator
DEBUG=true; s="ACME"; if [ .${DEBUG}. = .true. ]; then set -x; fi; logger -it "custom-firefox-scroller-ca" "start firefox with url"; ( firefox --width 500 --height 500 http://acme.com )& sleep 6; i=0; while true; do sleep 2; if ! xdotool search --classname firefox search --name $s windowfocus > /dev/null; then logger -it "custom-firefox-scroller-ca" "firefox with website title [$s] not found, exiting custom app"; exit 0; fi; i=$((i+1)); j=$((i%10)); if [ .${DEBUG}. = .true. ]; then echo "custom-firefox-scroller-ca: i=$i j=$j"; fi; case $j in 1) xdotool search --name $s key F5; sleep 2; xdotool search --name $s key Home Right Right Right Right Right Right;; 2|3|4) xdotool search --name $s key Down Down;; 5|6|7) xdotool search --name $s key Up Up;; 8) xdotool search --name $s key Home;; 9) xdotool search --name $s key End;; esac; done;
And with any luck, it might behave like the attached animated-gif. The gif shows browser and the debug syslog output side-by-side to show the script logic as it executes.
Read more here: