Written by Berthold Rauchbauer , IGEL COMMUNITY MEMBER

One of my customers has asked for an approach to disconnect all BT devices if you click on Reboot/Shutdown button in the start menu.
Therefore Konstantin Fritzenwallner and I have built a profile + file drop combination which allows to do this.
The .zip file contains the Profile config with the required custom commands.
There are 2 lines added to modify the action of the reboot and shutdown button in start
sed -i 's:systemctl poweroff:/wfs/bluetooth_disconnect.sh; systemctl poweroff:g' /sbin/soft_shutdown
sed -i 's:systemctl reboot:/wfs/bluetooth_disconnect.sh; systemctl reboot:g' /sbin/soft_reboot
The file "bluetooth_disconnect.sh" has to be transfered as "File" through the UMS into the /wfs directory with following credentials:
Hope it works well, please let me know if you have some questions or comments!