Written by Florian Astenwald , IGEL COMMUNITY Member
I had a problem with Siemens Touch Basic Displays and wanted to share the solution how we solved the issue.
As touch driver I used eGalax. With this driver the device can be operated via touch, but unfortunately some functions were missing.
Scrolling does not work
Pinch to Zoom does not work
On-screen keyboard opens at the first try only the 2nd time, if you press the corresponding button.
On-screen keyboard does not open when typing in an input field of Chromium.
We used Chromium as our main application and I tried some Chromium parameters unfortunately without success.
We created a custom application and run a script that looks for the Touchscreen ID and uses that ID to launch the chromium-browser:
This is the script we are using:
First you have to know witch touch driver you are using, in our case eGalaxTouch
With this solution you can scroll, but pinch to zoom is not possible.
SCREEN=`xinput list | awk '/eGalaxTouch/ { gsub(".*id=",""); print $1 }'`
exec chromium-browser --touch-devices=$SCREEN
For the onscreen keyboard we installed a chromium extension.
I hope this is helping others, that faced the same problem.
Read more here: