Dec 29, 2020How to Automate Kerberos Authentication and SSO with IGEL OS and Create Authenticated Web KiosksI recently had a customer that needed to have IGEL devices auto-login to a website in a locked-down workflow.
Dec 8, 2020IGEL UMS Certificate File Classification Explained Can you explain what actually happens when you choose a different file classification when using UMS to upload a certificate to a device?
Nov 11, 2020IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) Security Hardening Best Practices - PART II - On-Demand WebinarWatch Part II of a deep-dive on IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) security hardening best practices presented by IGEL's Sebastien Perusat.
Sep 29, 2020Script to Harden an Ubuntu Server for an IGEL ICG InstallationThe following script will update and configure a FRESHLY installed version of Ubuntu Server 18.04 / 20.04 to be hardened for IGEL ICG
Sep 9, 2020IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) Security Hardening Best Practices - Part 1 - On-Demand WebinarJoin the IGEL Community and IGEL's Sebastien Perusat, for a deep-dive webinar on IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) security hardening best practices.